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La clean beauty de lujo

Durante la vida de una mujer, hay ciertos momentos más delicados donde la piel cambia y sufre afectaciones como estrías, flacidez, celulitis…

En esta etapa queremos seguir mimándonos, pero somos más exigentes con la cosmética. Ahora nuestra piel es más sensible, hay cambios hormonales, y sabemos que ciertas sustancias pueden penetrar a nuestro interior y afectar a nuestra salud

En MAMANECÓ conocemos en primera persona lo importante que es para ti cuidar de tu belleza sin comprometer tu salud. Por ello, seleccionamos a mano los ingredientes más puros y eco-responsables, testados científicamente para garantizar su eficacia e inocuidad, asegurándonos de que nuestras fórmulas son aptas para todo tipo de pieles.

Cosmética orgánica y vegana, de biotecnología avanzada

Te acompañamos en cada etapa de tu vida cuidando de tu piel sin comprometer tu salud

What makes us unique

Our commitment to you

*Proprietary formula developed in our laboratories. **Glass container and wooden lid.
***Its fragrances are free of declarable allergens.

Cada fórmula Mamanecó es una obra maestra, con ingredientes ecológicos, biotecnológicos y libre de sustancias nocivas

Recognized in the media


Winner of the 3rd edition of the sant Joan Emprende 2021 program.

In the category of best innovative initiative in the health sector.

Winner of the Fundeun 2022 Awards

Best initiative that protects creativity and innovation through designs, patents and trademarks.

Awarded in the Acelera UMH 2022 Program

Award as an innovative and science-based Start-Up in the cosmetics sector.

Alcobendas Emprende 2023 Incubation Awards

Finalist thanks to the innovation of high-end products for women in maternity stage

At MAMANECÓ we love life, nature and innovation in science.

Con cada aplicación de MAMANECÓ te sentirás más bella y a la vez en calma. Nuestras fórmulas, basadas en la ciencia, son eficaces y respetuosas con tu piel, tu salud y la del planeta

Cada día, honramos a la mujer creando instantes de autocuidado y majestuosidad con nuestra cosmética de lujo

Imagine that little moment of pleasure for yourself, creating a deep connection with your body while applying MAMANECÓ creams: soft and delicate textures and aromas. Immerse yourself in an oasis of well-being and relaxation.

Dermopharmacy and delicacy

Behind MAMANECÓ there are two hearts passionate about what they do and two restless minds that with their brainstorming created what you are seeing.

During my pregnancies, I had many doubts about skin care. I have a PhD in Biochemistry and I am a fan of science and knowledge. After studying the Master's Degree in Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics, it was clear to me that I had to offer moms those products that they were demanding and could not find, products that would prevent and alleviate their skin conditions and at the same time they would feel calm and confident using them, since above all they respect the skin, the pregnancy and the baby.

We both wanted to create something that would be desired, that would have a soul and shine by itself; that would transmit multiple sensations in its formulas and its image; something out of place never before created, as is the life of a new being...and so MAMANECÓ was born.

Welcome to MAMANECÓ!

Todas las mujeres merecen sentirse bellas sin comprometer su salud

Expressions of affection

Customer feedback