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third trimester pregnancy (27 to 40 weeks)

In the third trimester we experience many sensations. We feel heavier, and at the same time excited to see our baby's face, although you may also miss him or her inside you. It is a time to respect your body as much as possible and take care of it by preventing possible visible skin damage. We begin to question what we want our birth to be like. Your baby is already a newborn and, although he can survive outside, there are still the last details for his complete development, influenced by genetics and the exposome, such as what we put on the skin.

Skin changes during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Your body and skin will experience the biggest changes in this third trimester. The baby grows a % more and, with it, your belly, which stretches to the maximum. In addition, you will notice that your body takes on a different appearance, as it adapts to accommodate the baby, the excess weight and also for the time of delivery. We may even have retained more fluids, due to the increase in the hormone aldosterone; and we may also have acquired more fat reserves, which contributes to anatomical and skin changes.

Stretch marks in pregnancy

At this time, stretch marks are the most common skin alteration and one of the most feared, since they tend to persist after childbirth. According to studies, up to 90% of women suffer from stretch marks on their skin after the sixth month of pregnancy. 

Stretch marks are lines of atrophic skin, usually in the form of a zigzag, which arise due to the rupture of the dermis, under an intact epidermis. Their initial appearance is red-violaceous, erythematous and raised. They usually begin to appear around the navel, abdominal wall, thighs and hips, and continue on the breasts and armpits. 

The specific causes of its appearance are both abdominal extension, as well as the increase of stereoid hormones, which decrease collagen production, and also genetic predisposition.

We recommend for you:

Tips for skin care in the third trimester

  • It is very important to prevent their appearance from very early in pregnancy, moisturizing and improving its elasticity, so that, when the time comes, the skin is prepared for their maximum extension and level of stress. It is also important to prepare the nipple to avoid stretch marks during breastfeeding.
  • During the third trimester we will perform an intensive moisturizing, nourishing and re-epithelizing treatment, with active ingredients that increase collagen production and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. 
  • It is also important to have repairing, regenerating and healing ingredients that reduce the appearance of stretch marks and slow down their growth, in case the skin, genetically or hormonally, has a greater predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks. 
  • We will intensively treat all areas of the body susceptible to its appearance: tummy, breasts, buttocks, thighs, hips and armpits; as well as any other area you wish to take care of.
  • Our skin is still more sensitive and has greater irrigation and penetration power of active ingredients, so anti-stretch mark products must be specifically formulated for the care of sensitive skin and must contain 0% toxins, including allergens and endocrine disruptors. In short, formulas that are effective and safe for the skin, pregnancy and the baby's life.

How to prevent colds duringduring pregnancy

  • Our Goodbye Stretch Marks Pack becomes essential for the care of your skin in the final stretch of your pregnancy.
  • Mamanecó anti-stretch mark body cream contains oils, butters, extracts and other active ingredients that provide deep hydration and nutrition to regenerate and repair the skin, thus preventing the appearance of the dreaded stretch marks. In addition, its formula contains 9 anti-stretch mark active ingredients, which have been scientifically proven to diminish the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Our breast and nipple balm quickly and intensely moisturizes and nourishes the skin, increases the barrier function and prevents the appearance of stretch marks and cracks. Its gel texture provides a pleasant and soothing sensation.
  • Both the anti-stretch mark cream and the breast and nipple balm are indicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, tested on sensitive skin, contain probiotics to improve the skin's microbiota, and are free of harmful substances such as pesticides, endocrine disruptors and allergens. 
  • Our unique formulas on the market are the ones you were waiting for, conscious and respectful of the skin, pregnancy and the first 1000 days of baby's life, providing you with the care and security you need at this time.

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